Our grade 10 interfaith learners visited the Kaygu Samue Dzong buddist centre where they learned about having compassion for others and focusing on the present to create change.
Friday 1 September 2023 Casual Day In support of people with Disabilities. Theme #ShareASmile You are never fully dressed without a smile 😃
Our learners embarked on a life saving venture by giving from themselves to save lives. In a display of good citizenship and responsibility, our learners opted to donate blood and thus saving up to 3 lives. Ms Ramawoothar organised this day and it was well run with assistance of the Peer Promoters. WC Blood Service Peer Promoters who assisted the Blood Clinic today 13h00-15h00:Gr11Dp: Michay CarolusSiyamthanda MazwanaLeighanne MoyanaTinashe Munhamo Fawaaz Williams […]
Matrics took advantage of the opportunity to carry their bags in anything , but a school bag. Here are a few pics.
Our grade 11 interfaith learners are giving back to the community🙌. They started their tutoring journey with primary school learners from Bonteheuwel today in partnership with the Amy Biehl Foundation.
Our grade 10 interfaith learners had the opportunity to attend the Iziko Slave Lodge and learn about the history of slavery in the Cape. They also had the opportunity to engage with the Dominee of the Groote Kerk in Town as we learn about the role the church has played in moving towards reconciliation and healing based on the hurts of the past.
Today was the 3rd GIBS Program for Ondiphileyo and Uthmaan in Gr 11 and they told me last night that they are super excited.🔥👏