It’s been an incredibly busy week for the chess team. Fixtures were happening before the strike, and most were postponed until the last week. The results are as follows:
On the 15th, the A Team played against Norman Henshilwood, and the game resulted in a draw of 4-4
B Team v SACS
B Team won 6-2
C Team v St Joseph’s
The game resulted in a draw of 4-4
Yesterday, all our teams were busy at away games.
A Team v Fish Hoek High
They won 5-3 🏆
B Team v Wynberg Boys
A monumental win of 8-0 😱
Ms. Ruiters said our boys played well 👏😅. Johannes had so much fun. In her head, she beat Johannes’s opponent five times already, but Johannes “wanted to take every piece of him” 😂🫶
C Team v Bergvliet
The game resulted in a draw of 4-4
Thank you to Ms. Ruiters and Ms. Coerecius for the assistance. Without them, our other teams would not have been able to play. Unfortunately, there are no photos of the A Team at this moment.