Latest Chess results

It’s been an incredibly busy week for the chess team. Fixtures were happening before the strike, and most were postponed until the last week. The results are as follows:
On the 15th, the A Team played against Norman Henshilwood, and the game resulted in a draw of 4-4

B Team v SACS
B Team won 6-2

C Team v St Joseph’s
The game resulted in a draw of 4-4

Yesterday, all our teams were busy at away games.
A Team v Fish Hoek High
They won 5-3 🏆

B Team v Wynberg Boys
A monumental win of 8-0 😱
Ms. Ruiters said our boys played well 👏😅. Johannes had so much fun. In her head, she beat Johannes’s opponent five times already, but Johannes “wanted to take every piece of him” 😂🫶

C Team v Bergvliet
The game resulted in a draw of 4-4

Thank you to Ms. Ruiters and Ms. Coerecius for the assistance. Without them, our other teams would not have been able to play. Unfortunately, there are no photos of the A Team at this moment.