
5 posts

National Senior Certificate Awards Ceremony

On 28 February 2023 we attended the National Senior Certificate Awards Ceremony. Divine Mapuranga and Safwan Smuts were invited to attend this prestigious event to receive awards for top Matrics in Metro Central Education District and in the province for Fitting and Machining and Automotive, respectively.Divine attended with his proud dad and younger sister, who I think was even more proud of her brother. Safwan was with his mom, who has […]

Welcoming Grade 8s 2019

In an effort to ease the transition into Oude Molen, the Grade 8s had lots of fun during Orientation Week which took place from 8 January 2018 – 11 January 2018. 😆 The learners were placed into different groups and played fun games in the hall like Icebreakers, Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Musical Chairs. 😊😁😂 They played sports like soccer, tag rugby, dodgeball, netball, tug of war and […]